Joyce Fieldsend recently held a workshop with Jambouree’s older singers on vocal technique and language. Joyce works in opera houses and lectures all over the world and is a visiting professor in establishments such as the Conservatoire in Glasgow and the Royal College of Music in London. Musical Director, Edna Auld, thanked Joyce for the time she spent encouraging and help the Perth singers. … Read More
Friday Night is Music Night
There is a programme on radio called ‘Friday Night is Music Night. This could have been the name of the programme given by Perth’s Jambouree Cabaret Singers, in St Ninian’s Cathedral, Perth, under the direction of MD Edna Auld who also supported the programme at the piano.
Edinburgh Festival singer
Congratulations to Jambouree Choir member Fraser Macdonald. Fraser is also a member of the National Youth Choir of Scotland Boys Choir who recently sang at the Edinburgh Festival.
Rehearsals start 28th August
Welcome back to members of the Jambouree Choir and Cabaret Singers. Our rehearsals start again this week, on Thursday 28th August at 4.30pm, in St John’s Academy at the North Inch Community Campus, Gowans Terrace, Perth. Those members who have gone into S1 are invited to stay to Cabaret Rehearsals to begin to learn the music. Please note that during … Read More
New CD from Jambouree
A new Scottish music CD recorded by a Perth choir includes a warm musical tribute to Perth man, Harry Bonthrone. A Jambouree Welcome to Scotland, the just-finished recording from Jambouree Choir and Cabaret Singers, features original compositions by Jim Cleland. It includes “Harry’s Tune” which was written in memory of Harry Bonthrone, the great dancer and football enthusiast who died … Read More
People’s Palace Concert
Senior members of the Cabaret Singers performing in Glasgow at the People’s Palace on 21st August 2014.
Successful audition
Congratulations to Jambouree Cabaret Singer Liam Bonthrone who has gained a place to study at the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland as a vocal student. Fiona Brownsmith, the Choir’s Vocal Tutor, has been his voice teacher since he joined Jambouree.
Jambouree CD
August 2014 – A new CD features the Choir with many arrangements by John Scrimger, and new compositions and arrangements by Jim Cleland. The CD includes popular Scottish songs in choral items, duets and solos and is accompanied by Edna Auld, Liam Bonthrone, Lorne Heriot Maitland, piano, Jim Cleland, accordion, and John Sinton, Double Bass. Copies of the CD are … Read More
Concert in St Ninian’s Cathedral
Jambouree Choir in Cathedral at 7.30 pm 5th September 2014 7.30-9.30pm Music Director – Edna Auld Tickets £10 and £8 for Patrons. Available on the door.
Pitlochry Festival Theatre
Theatre audiences were delighted by two concerts displaying the Cabaret Singers’ extensive repertoire encompasses the world of musicals, opera, popular and Scottish song and comedy numbers, with many of the arrangements as they performed specially arranged by popular Perth musician, composer and arranger, John Scrimger. Recently, John and two of the singers, Liam Bonthrone and Kenneth Maciver released a new … Read More