Well-known Perth choir, Jambouree, are refusing to be beaten by the restrictions on singing. Their annual Christmas Concert of Carols and Christmas songs cannot be held in the normal way so they have recorded their music outdoors and socially distanced. The concert was streamed on Sunday the 13th of December at 3pm.

Remember to ‘unmute’ the video ‘x’

The concert, titled ‘Safe and Sound’ was more than usually difficult to put together. As well as keeping apart, the performers and recording team had to contend with rain and wind as they sang and played in the grounds of St Mary’s Monastery on the slopes of Kinnoull. 

The singers, ranging from primary age to adults, had been missing their regular sessions and were delighted to have a chance to enjoy their music and hopefully bring a bit of Christmas cheer to an online audience.

The Jambouree Christmas Concert stream will commence here at 3pm on Sunday 13th December – meanwhile we hope you might enjoy this week’s stream concert from Kinross: